KPC - Kinenchen's Poscasts [Updated on: 07/8/19 12:19]

HRS Podcast
  End Of Life Care   - Three interviews - May 12 thru June 14, 2018

Bill Velasquez with the New Mexico House Rabbit Society interviews Christie on the subject of "End of Life Care."

Part #1: "This is the first episode in our new HRS format! We are so grateful to bring to you a 3 part series about end of life care for your rabbit. In this series we interview HRS Educator, Christie Taylor. Christie is a long time volunteer with our Miami chapter, but currently lives in Canada. She is a wealth of informtion for this podcast series and we are grateful for her time with us." - 5/13/18 (45mins, 70MB) - Listen Here.

Part #2: "We discuss more medical issues that you might face with your rabbit as he or she becomes comprimised due to illness or age." - 5/31/18 (57mins, 82MB) - Listen Here.

Part #3: "In this episode we discuss grief and loss. We give you some ideas on how to cope with it and how to help the surviving bunnies cope with the loss of their friend or mate." - 6/15/18 (43mins, 62MB) - Listen Here.
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Notes & Links from the series:

Episode 1

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