Basic Info for Sherwood Forest's Megacolon Tables for Rabbits. [Updated on: 07/31/15 04:46]

       PLEASE NOTE: Sherwood Forest Natural Rabbit Food LLC, nor Dr. David Sherwood have released any numbers, studies, papers, or information on the effectiveness or successes rate they have had with this product. Currently there is no information on using this product and any side effects from withdrawing use.

       If your rabbit has Megacolon NEVER CHANGE their diet or medications without consulting your rabbit savvy vet!!! NOTE: has no connection to Sherwood Forest.

Dr. Dave & General Manager Bob

Mockup Bottle
Faux Mockup Bottle


        At the end of May 2015, at BunnyFest, I had a talk with Dr. Dave and GM Bob from Sherwood Pet Health about Megacolon. They said they were working on something for MC rabbits but it was not 'public' information yet. I set this page up to store info on this.... and my notes and observations to follow up on.

       Sherwood Forest Natural Rabbit Food LLC, nor Dr. David Sherwood have release any numbers, studies, papers, or information on the effectiveness or successes rate they have had with this product. Currently there is no information on using this product and any side effects from withdrawing use.        The Sherwood Forest webpage referes to a few studies (and/or research) but there are no links to this information.

        How will Anise, Ginger, Panax Ginseng, & Szechuan peppercorns interact, interfere, or complement Cisapride [Propulsid], Metoclopramide [Emeprid, Reglan, Maxolon], and Domperidone [Motilium].

       There is also reference to a 'megacolon' gene, not the "KIT" gene pointed at by the 2014 University of Bologna study, nor the English spotting gene.

       Their webpage states: "The severity of this condition varies from pet to pet. One direct cause of this variation is the number of 'megacolon' genes that are carried (0, 1, or 2)." Solid color rabbits (0 - en/en) and 'normal broken' spotted rabbits (1 - En/en) do not get Megacolon. Only rabbits get it. Only rabbits that are homozygous spotted, getting 2 of the dominant versions of the gene (En/En), are affected by Megacolon. Both the Italian study (2014) and the German studies (1990's) showed that only En/En (lightly spoted) were affected. This hinges on the Sherwood page equating what they call "'megacolon' genes" = the English spotting gene.

        From their page: "Currently there is a documented genetic cause for megacolon. It is the same gene that leads to the distinctive color pattern (can be any color - the pattern is the most diagnostic) where fewer spots means the worse the condition." Light spotting is one of the visible clues that a rabbit may be predisposed to having Megacolon... but there are rabbits that look like "Megacolon rabbits" but are not. If a kit has one a sold color parent (en/en) and one normal spotted color parent (En/en), there is no way the baby rabbit can inherit two dominant versions of the gene (En/En). Sometimes these rabbits are called 'false charlies."

       Currently being tested as a number of things need to be worked out. "The question we are currently asking is if the herbs can reach the lower digestive tract and still maintain their therapeutic effect. Proper dosage does influence this but if needed we are considering using a more expensive route of coating the herbs with cellulose fiber. This way the herbs will be protected from digestive processes until after bacterial fermentation in the lower digestive tract breaks down the cellulose fiber and releases them."

       "Ingredients: Papaya, Glucose, Anise, Fructose, Ginger, Panax Ginseng, Vitamin C, Szechuan peppercorns, and a custom B-vitamin Complex. Many of the ingredients are certified organic and are ground fresh for optimal potency." -

Once again if your rabbit has Megacolon NEVER CHANGE their diet or medications without consulting your rabbit savvy vet!!!
Ingredients Breakdown

Overview from Sherwood Forest: "The digestive support tablet works in 3 very specific ways."

       "First, it provides protein digestive enzymes by adding a concentrated dose of high quality papaya that was freeze dried and concentrated in a 4:1 ratio....." - ref
       "Second, it provides a full compliment of B-vitamins that are normally produced by healthy fermentation patterns...." - ref
       "Third, it contains a unique blend of herbs that actually stimulate the lower digestive tract to naturally contract and relax in a rhythmic pattern to help optimize healthy fermentation patterns...."- ref

Anise, Ginger, Panax Ginseng, & Szechuan peppercorns

  • "Glucose is a sugar with the molecular formula C6H12O6. Glucose is made during photosynthesis from water and carbon dioxide, using energy from sunlight." - wikipedia
  • "Fructose, or fruit sugar, is a simple ketonic monosaccharide found in many plants, where it is often bonded to glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose." - wikipedia
  • "Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid, or simply ascorbate (the anion of ascorbic acid), is an essential nutrient for humans and certain other animal species. Vitamin C refers to a number of vitamers that have vitamin C activity in animals, including ascorbic acid and its salts, and some oxidized forms of the molecule like dehydroascorbic acid." -- "Ascorbic acid is also widely used as a food additive, to prevent oxidation." - wikipedia
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